Sex is one of the most important forms of expression towards one another and if it is not good, than your love life needs help or you will be alone with just you and your handy friend! Communication plays an important role when it comes to sexuality. You have to know what your significant other wants and give it to the fullest. This kind of intimacy is just about one of the best feelings in the world. There is no better feeling in the world than having great sex. Of course combined with love and it is even better.
Sex is not just about sexual intercourse it's about exploring each other's bodies and mind. Find out her soft spots, her sensitive spots, talk to her, discover what she really wants and how. It will be so much more amazing and intimate. Try something new like exploring with quality sex toys.
If you want to please her then you had better get a move on it before it's too late. Below are some common signs that she is just not satisfied.
No one wants to be called a bad lover. It's an insult that will damage your ego. Either you are having problems with your genital or you just need some good, good lessons when it comes to giving her pleasure. If you are having problems, if you think you might have ED, which is erectile dysfunction there are supplements out there that will help. If you are having problems knowing how to satisfy your woman there is a great sex book with great orgasm tips to show you the right way to give great sex.
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