There is a
variety of food that arouses love feelings that does wonders for romancing your
life. From black beans to cabbage, from banana to strawberry and from oysters
to hell fish have been at various times coined an aphrodisiac.
Some foods are considered sexy because they're full of vitamins and minerals and at the same time affect your sexual organs or sexual desires to make you more aroused.
Oysters are said to remind a man of his lover's intimate parts as its sexual shape resembles a woman's genitals. Oysters are loaded with zinc which helps raise testosterone levels. Zinc also heightens sexual performance in both genders, an essential good mood nutrient, which triggers the feel-good brain chemical serotonin.
Asparagus and banana evokes a man's partner, the phallic-shaped banana.
Raspberries and strawberries too describe a men's lover and arouse sexual desire.
Tomatoes, known as "love apple", are considered as love food that have great nutritional value and are great sex stimulant.
The irresistible chocolate according to scientists contains substances similar to the sex. The scent, aroma, the sticky-sweetness, and the exhilarated feeling that the chocolate gives gets you in the mood.
Alcohol arouses desires, relaxes the mind, and lowers inhibitions and increase confidence to make it easy to express desires. But remember too much of drinking has a negative effect on sexual activity. It causes sexual dysfunction.
Food affects people and their health. It gives energy, relieves a person from a depressed mood or be the cause of it. Fresh vegetables and fruits give a lot of vitality and it is only then you can perform.
Whether these foods are actually aphrodisiacs or not, one cannot say but one can make the food look sexy and romantic by the way of preparation and presentation.
The food that is attractive looking and colorful gets you in a good mood. If there are sliced tomatoes, peaches, citrus juices, a well dressed chicken it creates a kind of sensation in you. There are different ways of presenting the food that arouse such feelings in you and your lover.
The smell of the food exhilarates the senses so the food prepared smelling good and tasty sets no options but to arouse feelings.
The desert cannot be ignored as a sensual tickler. It is not only sweet but romantic, and is associated with love and sex.
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