Quality Sex Toys

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Prostrate Vibrator Sex Toy - Give Your Man The Best Night of His Life!

  • By Rodney M. Angelo
  • 11 Aug, 2018

The prostate luxury vibrator - something that puts the fear into most men. The thing is if many of these men actually used and experienced mens sex toys of this caliber, they would actually find the most earth shaking orgasms that they never thought they could experience!


Before we look into the many kinds of prostate vibrator that you can get your hands on to pleasure your man, you must first understand why they actually work. It is all about the make G-Spot; a spot that many people believe is a myth. This prostate or G-Spot is well known to be the very core of any mans pleasure and due to it's rather delicate location, is unexplored by so many in this world. If you knew that this delicate spot could lead to multiple orgasms for men, would you still be so reluctant to give this sex toy a go?


So, how do you find your guy's G-Spot with this legendary sex toy? First you must find it by hand before you decide to explore with a prostate vibrator and the one thing that you will need is plenty of lube! Some men do tend to prefer to find it on their own before they explore with their partner and this is something that you could bring up with your guy if you want to play with a prostate vibrator sex toy together. It is said to be a "nub" like place on the inside of the anus around the same size of a small coin in the direction towards the stomach.


When you first find this precious spot, the best idea is to go really slowly with plenty of lubricant on both your finger as well as your actual anus. If you are using quality sex toys, make sure that you start small and use plenty of lubricant as well. The best motion to use is a rubbing one, gently massaging it with the tip of your finger or the tip of your prostate vibrator and play around with different sensations and different motions until you feel the best sensation for you. Some men prefer more pressure, some like less - it is a learning curve and this applies to manual manipulation as well as that of a sex toy.


Now on to the actual prostate vibrator. This is usually a curved sex toy that can be a vibrating one or a rotating one. A straight sex toy is best for those that like their finger to be straight when playing with this delicate stop but if the male finds that he is bending his finger when stimulating, a curved one is the best choice. You can find these type of sex toys online in a massive variety of sizes and shapes and the best advice that anyone can ever give you is to experiment to find the best one for you.

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